Treatment Philosophy

Promoting the body’s natural ability to move.

Dr. Joseph Albano believes everyone has a right to live life fully and pain-free.


“When patients come to see me, they are typically in the kind of pain where their quality of life is quickly deteriorating,” he explained. “My job is to change the trajectory so they can get back to living their lives.”


Many patients are surprised, however, to learn that Dr. Albano doesn’t typically recommend surgery first.


“I use surgery as a last resort – there is no rushing to surgery in my practice,” he said. “There are other things we can try first like injections, physical therapy, and pain management techniques.”


When surgery is the only way to pain relief, Dr. Albano will use minimally invasive, motion-sparing techniques wherever possible that will preserve and promote his patient’s natural ability to move.  


“Spine surgery has come a long way in the last few decades,” Dr. Albano explained. “Minimally invasive technology and advanced spinal devices that mimic the body’s natural movement allow me to perform surgery with the least amount of damage and scarring.


“Ultimately, my job is to help my patients get back to playing with their kids again.”

patient of new jersey spine surgeon Dr. Joseph Albano

Solving pain.
Saving lives.

One of the first things patients notice about Dr. Albano is that he has deep-seated compassion for their pain.


“I see the fear in their eyes when they walk into my office and a big part of my job is to alleviate that fear and replace it with hope,” he said.


Dr. Albano believes the more engaged patients are, the less fearful they will be. As part of his approach, he makes sure they understand all their options, are involved in the decision-making and are invested in the process.


One of the very first things he does is sit down with patients and talk to them about what problems they’re having. Dr. Albano believes the more engaged patients are, the less fearful they will be. As part of his treatment philosophy, he makes sure they understand all their options, are involved in the decision-making, and are invested in the process.


“I want my patients to know as much about their conditions as possible and I encourage them to go home and do their own research,” he said.


And at the end of the day, patients always feel better walking out of our offices than they did walking in because Dr. Albano gives them the two things they need most…


Hope and healing.

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