
spine conditions treated by new jersey orthopedic surgeon dr. joseph albano


The spine is critical to our overall health and well-being. Not only does it provide stability and flexibility for standing and bending but it also houses our spinal cord, a bundle of nerves that carry messages back and forth from the brain to our muscles and other soft tissues. Surrounding the spinal cord is a stack of backbones called vertebrae, cushioned by gel-like material called discs. If disease or injury occurs anywhere along the spine, immediate treatment is necessary.


Patients who come to see Dr. Albano are often surprised to learn that treatment of their spine disorder doesn’t always include surgery as the first option.


Often, their pain can be managed through conservative measures such as physical therapy, injections, or some other type of pain management therapy, His main goal isn’t to do surgery but to get his patients back to living pain-free lives as quickly as possible. Sometimes that means a nonsurgical approach and sometimes it doesn’t.


When surgery is deemed necessary, Dr. Albano takes a minimally invasive approach whenever possible and uses the most advanced technology to achieve optimal results.


Some of the conditions he treats include:


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